Saturday, December 11, 2021

Dream Glow

Today's post is about one of the things that are most ingrained in our inner being but that rarely anyone dares to externalize: our glowing dreams.

Undoubtedly, each of us has experienced at least once in a lifetime a power that burns inside ourselves, an ignition that tells us: "You are wild and fierce like fire. Everything you set your mind to can be successfully done by you." And that, in a utopic world would be the perfect mindset of keeping; however, the truth is that it doesn't work like that.

Surrounding us, we have got a variety of factors that we can control; let us call them "nighttime" or just obscurity. They are there as part of the nighttime, but somehow we cannot perceive them or predict them. They are merely part of the cosmos.

If you walk around and you cannot see any stop signs, you may be at risk of being hit by some celestial body; or in turn, even falling into a black hole. In the best cases, there is no danger and your dreams come true; but sometimes they might turn out blue. What do you do then?

Although you may feel alone and hopeless, you must remember you are not. Even the good boys and girls that were said to be easy to raise and whose lives were easier to live, have scraped knees they have tried to hide. So, I might not be the right one and you may call me wrong; nevertheless, I'm just longing for you to keep your fire alive. At the moment it may seem like a fragile flame; but eventually, it will be stronger and scorcher. Even if you are frightened now, do not give up before opponents you have not fought yet. 

"Keep on shining, make it brighter than a spotlight."

1 comment:

  1. One day a talented guy mentioned: "I never said, I want to live like this, but it is clear that I want to live my life according to my will and passions. Even if there is a next life, I cannot remember it, and the life I have now is only one". I totally agree with your post because in our inner being we can do everything; however, it is impossible in the real world. Although it can seem dreadful, we can make possible our goals as long as we believe in ourselves. "Sometimes my dreams come true, sometimes they turn to blue".


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